We created the Ocean Job Board to facilitate access to job postings in the marine community.
The board links directly to the career pages of ocean organizations and updates when jobs are posted or taken down. It's free to use, and all applications go directly to the hiring organization.
Posting a job is free. To add or remove your organization or ask a question, please email us at jobboard@schmidtmarine.org.
Disclaimer: Schmidt Marine does not investigate the practices or validity of any organization or posting on this site. These links are provided as a free offering and do not constitute an endorsement from, or relationship with, Schmidt Marine. Schmidt Marine does not have any obligation to screen any of the listings or to include any listings in its search results, and it may exclude or remove any listing for any or no reason. This site and all materials are provided “as is” with no warranties, express or implied, and you agree that under no circumstances shall Schmidt Marine or its affiliates be liable for your use of or reliance on any information provided on this site or otherwise.
Oceanfarmr is a restorative ocean farming fintech that offers performance-based asset, crop and leasehold financing and ESG solutions that enables ocean farms to grow.