Ocean Job Board

The Quantitative Fisheries Biologist is a full-time, 40 hours per week, position reporting directly to the Fisheries Manager. The Quantitative Fisheries Biologist will work for the Tribe as the lead biometrician as well as work directly with the Shellfish Harvest Management Biologist to advise tribal fisheries policy by conveying technical fisheries information to decision-making authorities within Swinomish. They will also serve as the lead shrimp biologist and the sea cucumber and sea urchin biologist and manager (scientific diving in cold water is not a requirement, is preferred). They will apply the best available science, as well as knowledge of fisheries policy needs, to primarily aid in the management of shellfish fisheries within the Tribe’s usual and accustomed fishing areas. The position will also utilize fisheries sampling and research to assist and improve management of shellfish.
Closing date Initial review closes on 1/19/2025 and then the job will remain open until filled.
See the full listing at swinomish-nsn.gov