Ocean Job Board

Job Title: Fisheries Program Manager
Department: Natural Resources
Reports To: Natural Resources Director
Job Status: Exempt
Type: Full-time
Under the direction of the Natural Resources Director, this position is responsible for the overall management of the fisheries program and overseeing the fisheries technical work of the Natural Resource Department, including the harvest and hatchery technical work in support of managing sustainable fisheries. The position both supervises and supports the Harvest Manager policy position and supervises and directs the Fisheries Biologist technical position. The position also conducts regular Fisheries Program staff meetings. The position is responsible for the technical aspects of salmon harvest and stock assessment, including reviewing and agreeing on population and stock abundance estimates, technical forecasting of adult returns, and determining harvestable surpluses. The position supports policy staff in negotiating and managing the Treaty salmon and steelhead resources. The position is also the technical lead for gaining and maintaining Endangered Species Act incidental take coverage for Tribal fisheries and hatchery programs.
The Fisheries Program Manager also makes sure required fisheries sampling is conducted by fisheries program staff and is responsible for interpreting and reporting harvest results as specified in harvest management commitments. The position participates in local co-manager technical forums including monthly Nooksack/Samish co-manager technical meetings and hatchery forums including Hatchery and Genetics Management Plan (HGMP) and other hatchery planning meetings, and Chinook critical stocks rebuilding program meetings.
The position writes and manages grants and budgets in support of the Fisheries Program, including for population assessments and recovery. The position also works with the other Department program managers, attends staff coordination meetings, and briefs policy, including at Natural Resources Department coordination meetings with leadership. The position supports other Department programs by providing fisheries and population status and life history information and input as needed. It also serves to assist Tribal members with the pursuit of Treaty opportunities by assisting the Administrative Assistant and Harvest Manager at the front desk, and by providing technical support to the Director, Harvest Manager, and to the Nooksack Fish Commission.
For Full Listing and to Apply visit: Fisheries Program Manager – Nooksack Tribe