Ocean Job Board

The Fisheries Technician position will perform data collection duties as part of the Stillaguamish smolt trap monitoring project.
From February to July, 2025, the majority of the technician’s duties will be participating in a continuing juvenile salmon outmigration study on the Stillaguamish River. The incumbent will work under the lead Fisheries Biologist on a screw-type smolt trap located on the mainstem Stillaguamish River near Silvana, WA. The successful applicant will be expected to work weekends (Fri-Tues) and randomized day and night shifts. Additional shifts will be added during the season as needed to calibrate the trap. The smolt trap is exposed to the elements and work in inclement weather will be required. Shifts may be canceled depending on river flows. Primary duties include: deploying and operating the smolt trap; identifying, measuring, and enumerating juvenile salmonids; trap maintenance; data collection and entry, reconciliation of electronic data; and trap maintenance. Additionally, the technician may assist in seining for broodstock for the Tribe’s Fall Chinook captive brood program. The technician will be seining for Chinook juveniles, transporting juveniles to the Tribe’s hatchery and following all written procedures and biosecurity protocols.
The position is expected to start January 20, 2025 and end on or before July 11, 2025.
Apply online at: https://stillaguamish.hire.