Ocean Job Board

GENERAL DESCRIPTION (summary may not include all duties):
The primary responsibility of the Stock Assessment Biologist shall be to use existing, or design as needed, and implement fishery-related research and monitoring programs/studies aimed at improving stock population forecasting, in-season management, and spawner escapement analysis in conjunction with other Natural Resources Department and Policy staff as well as coordinate with appropriate comanagers. Investigations and studies shall be conducted using acceptable scientific protocols to ensure validity of estimates and coordinate in-season assessments of various metrics of Pacific anadromous salmonids with appropriate comanagers. This position will work with the Harvest Management Biologist and Policy Managers in providing review and development of preseason forecasting and information necessary to manage fisheries in-season. The Stock Assessment Biologist will assist other NRD biologists in field data collections, data assessments, and analysis for the management of all Treaty Fishery Resources. In addition, this position will also assist the NRD in the technical administration of grants, including developing proposals, implementing work plans, completing progress reports, coordinating and disseminating outputs from grants, and monitoring grant progress and budgets.
Full listing: https://upperskagittribe-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/final_JA_stock_assessment_bio_4.22.24.pdf