Habitat Program Manager - Quileute Tribe



Posted on Thursday, August 24, 2023

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This position will be responsible for overseeing the habitat program, providing leadership and support for habitat staff and is responsible for restoration project planning, implementation, and monitoring. The Habitat Program Manager will manage all administrative components of the habitat program, including grant and budget management, securing permits, negotiating landowner agreements, and coordinating with other departments. The Habitat Program will also oversee habitat protection through the review of environmental permitting (NEPA, SEPA, and HPAs) coordination with project sponsors implementing projects within Quileute’s Usual and Accustomed Area (U&A). This will include project development and administration for the purpose of protection and restoration activities that benefit floodplain processes and associated native aquatic communities within the Quileute U&A river basins including the Quillayute, Dickey, Sol Duc, Bogachiel, Calawah, Goodman Creek, and Lake Ozette watershed. The Habitat Program Manager will operate directly under the Quileute Natural Resources (QNR) Director to provide effective and efficient project leadership and administration to complete these habitat program functions.