Senior Environmental Scientist (Supv)

California Coastal Commission

California Coastal Commission

San Francisco, CA, USA
Posted on Saturday, September 28, 2024

Job Description and Duties

The California Coastal Commission is seeking a Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor) to supervise the regulatory and planning work of the Coastal Commission’s Energy, Ocean Resources and Federal Consistency Division. Specific responsibilities to include:

  • Managing Commission staff review of:
    • All federal projects and federally permitted activities that affect resources in the coastal zone (Federal Consistency).
    • Planning and regulatory projects for onshore and offshore energy projects and facilities and projects in ocean waters (e.g., aquaculture, offshore pipelines and cables, artificial reefs, offshore restoration) (Energy and Ocean Resources).
  • Overseeing the analysis of environmental documents, plans, technical reports, coastal permit applications, appeals, federal consistency submittals and Local Coastal Program (LCP) amendments involving energy, ocean resource or federal consistency projects and helping to prepare, review and approve memos, workshop materials, issue summaries, staff reports or related materials for action by the Coastal Commission.
  • Supervising program and administrative support staff within the Division.
  • Leading coordination activities with federal, state, and local agency staff, Commission district and program staff and coastal stakeholders including participation in interagency working groups.
  • Coordinating as necessary with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Coastal Management (OCM) to implement the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA).
  • Developing policy and coordinating programmatic efforts on energy, ocean resource and federal consistency topics.
  • Fulfilling internal and external annual reporting requirements for the Division.
  • Ensuring that the Coastal Commission’s Environmental Justice Policy and Tribal Consultation Policy requirements are successfully implemented in the regulatory and planning work.